Designed with care for a good environment, fulfilling lifestyles.
Close to convenience to valuably meet all needs in life
throughout every square meter at an affordable price.
1 Projects
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KEY to Quality Living
With real understanding to living, it was designed to accommodate various lifestyles in its functions, materials, environmental design with low density units for greater peace and privacy.
KEY to Happiness
Fulfill your happiness in all lifestyles with facilities that are ready to support all activities, including health, work, and entertainment, for everyday relaxation.
KEY to Convenience
Easier living....With choice in commute. With a location near the city center and MRT, connecting all transportation routes whether it is for work or to hang out with friends.
KEY to Value
Worth... every square meter, with spacious and comfortable rooms to truly meet lifestyle needs, along with innovations for living such as a Digital Door Lock and AirPass technology, all at an affordable price to perfectly suit life whether it is for personal residence or investment.
Airpass innovation to bring fresh air into the room at all times
Wide and proportioned living room
Wide-design room for comfortable living; all functions can be organized in a way that fully utilizes space